" Stan Larkin - Living Without a Heart for Over 500 Days

Stan Larkin - Living Without a Heart for Over 500 Days

Stan Larkin - Living Without a Heart for Over 500 Days

The Unusual Journey Begins

Meet Stan Larkin, a man who defied medical norms by living without a heart for an incredible 555 days. His story is a testament to human resilience and groundbreaking medical technology.

The Heartbreaking Diagnosis

At the age of 16, Stan collapsed during a basketball game, revealing a genetic heart disease called "familial cardiomyopathy." His 24-year-old brother Dominique shared the same condition. This rare disease stretches and enlarges their heart muscles, reducing blood pumping efficiency.

Artificial Hearts and Hope

Both brothers experienced heart failure and cardiogenic shock, leading to the use of artificial heart devices in 2014. While Dominique received a transplant after six weeks, Stan became the pioneer in Michigan for living outside the hospital with the SynCardia Total Artificial Heart (TAH) and a unique backpack setup.

Backpack Heart Technology

The SynCardia TAH replaced Stan's failing heart entirely, mimicking the functions of a natural human heart. Two tubes connected it to the "Freedom Driver," a 13 lb machine that supplied power and compressed air. Stan carried this machine in his backpack, allowing him to stay connected to the artificial heart 24/7.

Thriving Without a Heart

Despite the complexity of his situation, Stan thrived in his day-to-day life. From enjoying drives with friends to returning to the basketball court, he usually lived while taking meticulous care of the artificial heart. Stan likened the experience to having an honest heart and found it no different from carrying a backpack to school.

The Transition to a Real Heart

Stan's incredible journey with the SynCardia TAH was a temporary solution as he awaited an actual heart transplant. Fortunately, on May 9, 2016, he received a donor's heart, marking the end of his dependence on the backpack and the artificial heart.

A Message of Awareness and Hope

Stan Larkin's mission is to raise awareness about the 5.7 million Americans living with heart failure. While a heart transplant significantly improves survival rates, it's not a lifelong cure. Regular checkups and medication are crucial for those with cardiovascular diseases. Stan's story and medical marvels like the SynCardia TAH offer a beacon of hope for those facing challenging health adversities.

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